Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Inside Scoop on Larriane Wills

Today, I have the pleasure of welcoming back multi-published, multi-genre author Larriane Wills. I first interviewed Larriane when her science fiction novel, Looking Glass Portal was released by Swimming Kangaroo Books. Larriane is just one of the talented authors who contributed to Inside Scoop: Articles about Acting and Writing by Hollywood Insiders and Published Authors edited by Marilyn Peake. We’ll catch up with all Larriane has been working on since the last time she stopped by and find out more about her contributions to Inside Scoop.

Welcome back, Larriane. I’m thrilled to have a chance to catch up with you! I bet you’ve been a busy person since the last time we spoke.

Thank you for having me. Really nice to be visiting with you again. Oh, and yes, I have been busy and loving it.

Why don’t you give our readers a brief overview of who you are and what you write so we can refresh their memories a bit.

I have three currently published books, The Knowing (fantasy), Looking Glass Portal (Science fiction), and under my alter ego, Larion Wills, Mourning Meadow, a romance. I have two at the gate, coming out any time (maybe even be by the time this is posted) Thirteen Souls and Mark of the Sire. With six more under contract, I expect to stay busy for a couple of years anyway.

I know this is a tough question, but do you prefer one genre over the others?

If I were to be pushed into making a choice, I’d have to say contemporary romance, but I’d have to add as long as it includes suspense.

If one of your readers was asked what your greatest strength as a writer is, what would she say?

Going by what comes up the most in reviews and fan mail I’d say character development seems at the top of the list.

It seems like you’ve concentrated more on science fiction and fantasy than on romance in the past, but you’ve got some romance novels coming out soon. What can you tell us about them?

I actually don’t do more in fantasy/science fiction. They were just the first I submitted and started with. The romances are on the move. They’re multi and crossed genre from soft and sweet to hot and spicy, historical to modern, and for variety some have ghosts or witches tossed in. I did try to separate some of the genres to alert my readers in what to expect by using two pens, Larriane for fantasy/science fiction and Larion for romance, but by definition ‘romance’ covers such a very wide spectrum. Mourning Meadow is a soft romance with some ghosts. Thirteen Souls is a hot romance with ghosts, while Mark of the Sire is a soft, historical without any paranormal at all. Mark of the Sire, by the way, is the first of a historical series. The second, Little Sam’s Angel, will be released this fall. Evil Reflections, a hottie with witches, is slated for a Halloween release.

Let’s talk about Inside Scoop. How did you get involved in this project?

Marilyn Peake read a blog I had written, liked it and asked me to contribute. Flattered and once challenged, I had to try even though I don’t consider myself a non-fiction writer and do very little in the way of shorts. If you were to drop in at my website you’d see what I mean by how seldom I even write a blog.

You contributed two articles to this book: “You Have Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself” and “Editing Is Not a Dirty Word”. What type of fear are you referring to in your first article? How do you think writers can overcome their fears?

I had allowed things I had heard or read convince me that it was a waste of my time for an unpublished author to even try to break into the field without previous background or credentials. Made for some good excuses to avoid facing rejections and that was the biggest fear. The thought of someone telling you your work isn’t any good can be an ego crusher. Not even ego actually, but your spirit. The only way a writer can overcome that fear is to face it, be ready to take the necessary time and expense—and yes there is expense to consider—and go for it. What you learn along the way will only help you to be better equipped for the next submission.

I am one of those crazy people who enjoys editing almost more than the actual writing. Why do you think editing is so cumbersome for many writers? Are there ways to make editing easier or maybe even more enjoyable?

Editing is cumbersome. There I said it. It’s time consuming, requires concentration, monotony, and disciple. Some writers are lazy and sloppy too. I hope no one is throwing things at me, but it’s true. When you read someone else’s work, I’ll bet you can pick out those I’m talking about. So can publishers. Guess what goes in the rejection pile. That’s the incentive. Suggestions to make it easier are in the article, but first and foremost, don’t let it overwhelm you. Take it one step at a time and receive ‘enjoyment’ in that sense of pride in your achievements. Remember, they’re only words, and you have control over them.

It sounds like you’ve got a lot happening in your world. What does the future look like right now? Are there more exciting projects to tell us about?

My future looks like a lot of work on the computer. That’s said with a smile and a grimace since I write all my first drafts out in long hand. Writing a story is so much more fun that typing it, and yes, editing. I need to set the romances aside for awhile and get back to some fantasy/science fiction for those readers. I don’t know how exciting you’d call that, but that’s the plan.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Since you asked, I’d love to thank Marilyn for the opportunity she’s given me. If one person with a manuscript(s) in a drawer or closet takes it out and works on sharing it, the article accomplished something. A big thanks to you too, Cheryl. Always fun to visit with you.

Thanks for stopping by, Larriane. It was wonderful to touch base with you again. I wish you much continued success.

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