Thursday, January 10, 2008

Improve Life with Your Intense Child with The Pocket Parent Coach by Tina Feigal--Book Review

Strong-willed, spirited, intense--no matter what term you use to describe the behavior, dealing with a child who seeks to control every aspect of his life can leave you feeling angry, physically drained, and like a failure. The Pocket Parent Coach: Your Two-Week Guide to a Dramatically Improved Life with Your Intense Child by Tina Feigal can help.

This short and easy to read book helps parents to understand where intense behavior comes from, what triggers to avoid, and brings you through a program that could improve life for every member of your household. Full of exercises, places to chart your progress, a variety of charts and forms to use with the program, and additional resources, The Pocket Parent Coach provides everything you need to start Present Moment Parenting in your home.

I'll admit to being selfish when I asked to review this title. I have my own intense child and I am ready to do just about anything to bring peace to our home. I had tried 1-2-3 Magic for a short time, but couldn't stay committed to it. I also found the way the book was written to be condescending. But that isn't the case with The Pocket Parent Coach. Tina Feigal approaches the subject of dealing with an intense child with compassion for everyone. By helping parents understand why an intense child acts the way she does, they are already 50% better off than they were before reading The Pocket Parent Coach.

I especially enjoyed the format of this book. Feigal starts with taking you through two weeks of how to begin implementing Present Moment Parenting in your home one day at a time; and then moves onto how to continue past the first two weeks, how to troubleshoot real life challenges, and discusses using restorative justice with Present Moment Parenting. The accompanying CD--60 Minutes with Parent Coach Tina Fiegal--is the perfect compliment to the book, showing how Feigal helps one mother to create a success story in her household by using Present Moment Parenting.

The Pocket Parent Coach by Tina Feigal, is a parenting resource that could help you get beyond the anger, the tears, and the feelings of failure, to create a loving environment for everyone in your home...without demanding that your intense child change who he was destined to be.

Title: The Parent Pocket Coach: Your Two-Week Guide to a Dramatically Improved Life with Your Intense Child
Author: Tina Feigal, M.S. Ed.
Publisher: Beaver's Pond Press
ISBN 10: 1-59298-185-2
ISBN 13: 978-1-59298-185-4
U.S. Price: $19.95

1 comment:

  1. Anything written by Tina should be on the shelves of parents with intense children. Tina's relaxed style and kind heart will resonate with those that love their child, but need help in seeing him/her in a new light. I saw Tina speak recently in Minnesota and she did not disappoint.

    Wendy Young, LMSW, BCD


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