Friday, September 21, 2007

Young Adult Author Dwayne Anderson Dishes on Partially Human

Today, I have a special treat for you. Author Dwayne Anderson is here to talk about his first novel, Partially Human. We’ll chat about his writing process and how he developed the idea for this intriguing young adult science-fiction novel.

Welcome to The Book Connection, Dwayne. I’m glad you could join us.

My pleasure to be here. However, Partially Human is my third book, though it is my first novel-length book and the first of my stronger works.

Before we talk about Partially Human, let’s find out more about you. How long have you been writing? What is it that inspires you to put pen to paper?

I started writing in September 2001, though that was for writing books. My first creative writing experience was in an early grade in school. We were assigned to write a creative story of our own, but I was given a special assignment because I didn't think I had a creative mind. I was given a story that was already written out, but major details, such as how the protagonist solves his problems, were missing, so I was assigned to fill them out, and I had a lot of fun doing it. Before I wrote books, I wrote fiction for the Rugrats and Futurama.

I get the inspiration from various sources such as daily news events, my own experiences, and my dreams. There are unlimited ways to tell a story. You only need to choose one.

What is your writing process like? Do you write every day? Is there a time of day when you are more productive than others?

I don't write every day, it's more of a hobby. I write whenever I have some free time on my hands, usually I spend a lot of time working, playing games, watching television, or anything else.

Partially Human is the story of Joshua Plofhard who suddenly finds out that he carries the genes of a dying alien species and how it changes his life. How did you come up with the idea for this novel?

Partially Human was based on my own experiences with life after I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. Like Joshua, my life was thrown in a new direction. People started treating me differently and giving me a hard time. But I eventually got through it all and it made a man out of me, one that I am today.

Tell us more about Joshua. What did he do in his past to make him so well-liked and respected prior to the discovery that he is only partially human?

Joshua is basically your average nice-guy. He's a teenage Good Samaritan who helps those in need, thus he's someone who is greatly respected by many.

What is it about Joshua that readers will relate to? Why will they care about him?

Any who are in the same situation as him will definitely connect with him. Many people who are different want to fit in, but can't understand why they are rejected. Basically, he's a person who tries to find his place in society and how he copes with being different, something that many teens and young adults face in real life.

Who are some of the other important characters in Partially Human? What are their relationships to Joshua?

Rick Warris, Peter Christjes, and Eric Blonfly are Joshua's best friends. His single mother is Alicia and he develops a bond with Patrick Urtoma, similar to that between a father and son. Joshua also develops friendships with several people he meets at a hospital that he commits himself to in order to cope with what makes him different. He also has a girlfriend named Kimberly Derth who was also a friend of his in childhood.

This story also shares with the reader the lessons that Joshua learns as his life goes from good and easy to problematic. What do you hope readers will take away from your story?

I hope to teach the reader that being different is what makes us unique and that we must accept ourselves and others for the way we and they are. I also talked about the controversial issue of prejudice and its many forms and how to fight against them.

Where can readers buy a copy of Partially Human?

I have my own website at where the book is listed, along with my previous two works. I'll update this site as I get more of my works published. The site lists the three major weblinks where the book can be purchsed, from the publisher's online bookstore, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. There may be other sites as well, but I'm only going to list the major ones. I've also listed a sample chapter with the book's listing on my website so that potential buyers can get a sneak peak. On the publisher's online bookstore and at Amazon, the book can also be rated and reviewed, I've already got one review at Amazon. The site also lists the link to my blog for Partially Human that focuses on the latest news surrounding the book.

What other projects are you working on right now? Can we expect a sequel to Partially Human?

I have no sequel planned for Partially Human, however my next book, a romance, deals with a similar theme, though it will have nothing to do with Partially Human's story. I'm also planning a sequel to my first two books as they are my weakest works and a sequel to both will improve upon them. I'm also planning a medieval fantasy featuring an unlikely hero, another general fiction story, and another romance.

Thanks for stopping by to chat with us, Dwayne. I wish you much success.

You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by Dwayne. You're doing a great job of staying in touch with readers.

    Good luck with the rest of your tour.



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