Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Promises of 2024 Update

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Happy Tuesday! Can't recall the last time I participated in this weekly meme, but it is one of my favorites. This week's topic is supposed to be "Posts I’ve Written That Give You the Best Glimpse of Me." Instead, I've opted to update readers on how the bookish promises I made in January are coming along. 

Top Ten Bookish Promises for 2024 - Update

Complete my Goodreads Challenge.

This is the one and only challenge I tackle each year. I started off strong, but now I am 7 books behind. Luckily, I have a few reviews to write. 

Read 15 books from my TBR Pile.

I've read eight books  from my TBR Pile, so I'm feeling good about this goal. I also started another one last week. 

Read 8 leadership books from my TBR Pile.

So far, I've read eight nonfiction books that are either personal growth, business or leadership. Only two are directed toward leadership. 

Read one book in a genre I don't usually read. 

This is an annual promise, because I like to expand my horizons beyond beloved genres you'll find here. I have not tackled this yet.

Weed out my Goodreads and Kindle freebie "Want to Read" lists.

Though low priority, I do this in small bits as I have time. 

Finish editing my NaNoWriMo project.

Done and submitted to a publisher. This publisher wanted a synopsis, so I ended up polishing the manuscript numerous times, writing a query letter, then taking the synopsis I wrote before the book was started and tweaking it to get it ready to send over. 

Plan out the next steps in my writing career.

I've made progress on this one. I've updated my website bio, welcome message, and changed some pages around. I need to figure out how to remove the background image. Despite customizing it and clicking on remove background image, that primary background remains. I will need to do some more tweaking. 

This is in anticipation of my small town Christmas romance being picked up by a publisher. Even if that doesn't happen, I want to change the website so that it reflects what I want to write... or think I want to write. 

Re-organize my works in progress.

Not a project I've dabbled in yet, but it's in the back of my mind.

Submit one short story.

The online magazine I had published a story in back in 2022 has since closed. So, I haven't yet figured out if I want to keep this promise or not. I still have four months to make it happen. 

Participate in NaNoWriMo.

I am already brainstorming ideas to participate in NaNoWriMo in November.

How are your goals coming along? What is the progress you are most proud of? 


  1. Welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday. Good luck with your goals.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.


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