Thursday, August 29, 2024

Audible Book Review: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (Original Classic Edition)


Up until the moment when I sat down to write this review, I didn't realize the Audible version I downloaded was the Original Classic Edition of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. What readers should be aware of is that some of the material may not be suitable for or may be offensive to a modern audience. If you are looking for the updated version, they have it available in paperback

In this classic, bestselling personal development book, Hill shares his steps to riches, also widely known as his Principles of Personal Achievement. Using real life examples like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, and Edward C. Barnes, Hill shares the importance of setting a goal and using autosuggestion to influence your mind, along with ways to put your desires into action. Hill discusses the importance of removing negative thoughts, avoiding evil, and how to outwit fear.

Having read the Original Classic Edition, I certainly want to take out the paperback version that I own and read the updated one, using it alongside the workbook I have. Hill's philosophy was revolutionary at the time and inspired a variety of future life and business coaches in one way or another. 

They made a movie from the book titled, Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy. While I haven't watched the whole movie yet, I've seen clips. This clip might best explain what you can expect from Hill: 

If you are looking to embrace how positive thinking, goal setting, and the application of Hill's Principles of Personal Achievement can work in your life, start by reading Think and Grow Rich.

Product Details

This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.

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