Sunday, July 7, 2024

Audible Book Review: Forgiving What You Can't Forget by Lysa Terkeurst

If hurtful memories keep you from living your best life; if you're seeking a way to forgive others the way God forgives you; if you yearn for the peace that comes from removing the power that triggers hold over you, then Forgiving What You Can't Forget by Lysa Terkeurst is a good choice.

Using examples from her own life, Terkeurst teaches you how to move on, free yourself from past hurts, discover what the Bible says about forgiveness, and bring you to a place where you can create the beautiful life you seek.

While I almost abandoned this audiobook because the author's imploring voice bothered me, I'm glad I stuck with it because Terkeurst shared so many relatable moments and such good advice that I would have missed otherwise. When an author relays a story and you can nod your head in agreement, knowing you have felt the same way too, then you know they understand your pain. Maybe the best part is hearing that the author isn't saying everything will be perfect after you understand the true meaning of forgiveness as discussed in the Bible, because she still missteps, too. It's called being human. What this book helps the reader to understand is that they are more in control when they embrace this level of forgiveness.

Forgiving What You Can't Forget is the kind of book I will need to purchase in print and go through more slowly to take advantage of all it offers. Highly recommended!

Listening Length8 hours and 20 minutes
AuthorLysa TerKeurst
NarratorLysa TerKeurst
Whispersync for VoiceReady Release DateNovember 17, 2020
PublisherThomas Nelson
Program TypeAudiobook

I purchased this book with an Audible credit. This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way. 

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