- Email Cheryl at ccmal(at)charter.net for availability. Please place "The Book Connection Guest Post Request" on the subject line.
- Guest post must be a minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 8,00 words.
- Use block style (no indents) and double space between paragraphs.
- Provide a catchy title for your post.
- Remember to take advantage of keywords throughout your post.
- No vulgarities or obscenities allowed.
- Add an author's bio written in third person at the end of your guest post. Be sure to include links to your website and/or blog.
- Email submissions as Microsoft Word .doc or .docx attachments or pasted into the body of your email. Your email should contain: your guest post, the cover art from your latest release in jpg format, and an author photo in jpg format.
- Be sure to include a link/links to where your book can be purchased.
Please note: all guest posts must be received seven days prior to the scheduled date.